Latest news

1209, 2023

Eurobrake 2023

Another week, another conference!

Our CEO Jens Lehrmann and VP of Business Development Kristian Helland are at #Eurobrake2023 in Barcelona, to discuss silicon carbide coating for reducing brake dust #emissions, reduce brake system #weight, and improving braking #performance.

EuroBrake is the world’s largest annual brake technology conference. Contributors and attendees gather from the major brake industry stakeholders, including passenger car and commercial vehicle component suppliers and manufacturers, raw material suppliers, and leading brands in rail, aerospace, and academia.

Reach out to them or if you’re there and want to meet up!

1109, 2023

Expanding capacity!

Today we finalized the installation of our new spray drier from DORST Technologies GmbH & Co. KG. This will be a step-change in our production capabilities for #ThermaSiC , and in line with our CAPEX plans to meet customer demand for more #EHS friendly and #lightweight surface protection.

Great work Stian Anthonisen and team, and thank you to DORST Technologies GmbH & Co. KG for great testing and installation support throughout.

#Dorst #installation #capacity #expansion #seramcoatings

1109, 2023

ThermaSiC in Mars Simulation Wind Tunnel

Ever wondered what the weather is like on Mars?

This week, ThermaSiC coated samples are in the Mars Simulation Wind Tunnel at Aarhus University to protect critical substrates, as part of our project with European Space Agency – ESA. The coating will be subjected to high winds and particulate erosion, simulating coated hardware landing on Mars.

Very cool, and we look very much forward to sharing the results!

#mars #windtunnel #marssimulation #aarhus #thermasic #testing

The view expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Space Agency.

1109, 2023

Seram Coatings at Vitrum 2023

Our VP of Business Development is currently at #vitrum2023 in Milan.
Reach out to him if you want to connect!